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Journey to the Poppies

This week I finally had the chance to run away for a few hours and visit the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve in Lancaster, CA. The super-bloom has almost come to an end, with most of the wildflowers gone, and a few patches of poppies left gracing the earth with their warm orange glow. Thursday morning there wasn’t a large crowd of people to navigate through, and it was just all open fields. More images can be found on my Flickr!





The winds were extreme, it made it very challenging to enjoy a steady walk through the trails. I also had trouble reviewing my photos, and had to wait to peek at them until we got back to the car.




One of the reserve personnel was pointing out how the poppies were, “going to seed” If you look in the photos below, you can see the sort of pink base with a green stem shooting out. Hopefully we get enough rain again this year, so that they will all rise from their slumber and bloom again next spring.





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Who doesn’t want to fall asleep in the poppies and dream like Dorothy?


The Goldstein Family-Beach Photoshoot

It’s not much of an easy task when you are photographing a family with small children. Well, perhaps just families in general…the bigger the family the more directing and attention to detail. Trying to get at least a few good photos where the children are looking AND smiling at the camera, is a rarity…and even the adults sometimes. It’s about making beautiful images with what you have available to you, no matter the circumstances.

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I’m certain that as the years go by, photos for this family (my sister!!!)  will just get keep getting easier, because I know that I’ll be taking photos of my niece indefinitely. They’ve put me through a few challenges so far, and I find myself trying to make the best of the harsh light situations and whatnot, but we always find a way.



When you’re photographing your family, it’s hard to set a strict time, or “make an appointment” for the shoot. This makes finding that perfect time of day for photos obsolete…ish. Since I’m mostly working around my sister’s schedule for the day, it is rare that we can get the photos done during that golden hour, or before the sun is in it’s highest point.  I’m usually visiting when I’m asked to bring my camera along, and so we just act on spontaneity.

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This beach shoot was taken on the shore of Margate City, NJ. We planned on shooting later in the day, and that quickly turned into the middle of the day, when we noticed an overcast sky creating a perfect obstacle for the harsh sunlight. As soon as our feet touched the sand, there was not a cloud in the sky, the sun was beaming…and everyone was dressed and ready to go, so there was no turning back. Racing to the shade, I found photographic refuge under the pier…which gave me the relief from the harsh conditions.

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After Gianna (my niece) became a little too fussy (she just wanted to play in the sand already), we wrapped up the photo session and changed into our beachwear to enjoy the most perfect beach day (also my 1st) of the year!
