Browse Category by Motivation
Motivation, Photography, Poetry

A Magic Feather

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A magic feather…the gift of flight.

-to hold you high above the cloud you stand beneath-

Close your wide-eyed thoughts and believe for one moment you are what you really are. Absolute.

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Sing your sweet melody of strength; this which you have strayed from, you can honestly become.

You’ve given me this magic feather, perchance I may fly.


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Get Up & Go!


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I’ve been feeling unmotivated lately. Maybe it’s this summer heat getting to me, or maybe I over-did it again with life. The constant excuses I make for myself amazing me. I don’t want to/feel like doing this because…you know what I’m talking about. Well I’m here to tell you that today is different. I wanted to take control again, instead of letting little things effect me so much. Today I told myself, “Just get up and go!” Go out into the world and be active. Riding my bike and sweating out the negativity.

If you’re taking the time to read this, think about the excuses you make, and what’s holding you back, and just get up and go!! This is your life, so just go live it. Ride your bike on the wrong side of the sidewalk, and find yourself some obstacles.





“Take a book, return a book”- I found this adorable free library-, which I’m sure I’ve rode past before without notice. There was another one a few houses down. I adore this concept. So I filled out the guest book, and found a good book to borrow. If the person who made the library is reading this, thank you for your kindness. You put a smile on my face today, as I’m sure many others will experience themselves.

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I’ll be in the Shire if you need me.

