Browse Month by April 2017

Journey to the Poppies

This week I finally had the chance to run away for a few hours and visit the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve in Lancaster, CA. The super-bloom has almost come to an end, with most of the wildflowers gone, and a few patches of poppies left gracing the earth with their warm orange glow. Thursday morning there wasn’t a large crowd of people to navigate through, and it was just all open fields. More images can be found on my Flickr!





The winds were extreme, it made it very challenging to enjoy a steady walk through the trails. I also had trouble reviewing my photos, and had to wait to peek at them until we got back to the car.




One of the reserve personnel was pointing out how the poppies were, “going to seed” If you look in the photos below, you can see the sort of pink base with a green stem shooting out. Hopefully we get enough rain again this year, so that they will all rise from their slumber and bloom again next spring.





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Who doesn’t want to fall asleep in the poppies and dream like Dorothy?


My Etsy Shop

Hey everyone! Yes it’s true, I finally started my own Etsy shop! It’s very minimal as of right now, but it’s slowing growing. I have a few different bowties (shown below), and just recently added the new coin purses. Each item is handmade by yours truly. I am looking into expanding the shop with true vintage items and accessories. Please share with your friends and family, and stay tuned for more to come. Hopefully I will eventually merge my Etsy with this site, so everything is in the same place, but – baby steps. Appreciate all the love and support!



Love this beautiful blue cotton fabric! I had remnants left from a blouse I made, and just had to make them into these little beauties. There are 4 available now!

I am on the hunt for more of this fabric, because it’s just so lovely. Japanese print, with blue and red rabbits on it. Very subtle. It’s all cotton, and I only have 2 of them!

I originally made one of these in a regular bow tie (not pre-tied) version for my boyfriend’s birthday a few years ago. I surprised him with a trip to the Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA. This bowtie was such a fun touch to his suit, and he has worn it so many times for various other occasions. He’s got the only grey version to this blue one shown below.


Coin purses! These are very time consuming to make, but so cute! Each of them have different color beads in the clasp handle, and are made with a thick cotton fabric – usually used in home decor or furnishing. It’s very durable on the outside, with soft linings on the inside!


Thanks for checking out my new shop, and please favorite it if you have an Etsy account, so you can stay up to date with my new products that launch!


