Browse Tag by seamstress

Seamstress Stuff

I’ve been trying to stock up my Etsy shop, so I have been busy sewing in my spare time. I’ve been slowly trying to make more clothing rather than accessories. After purchasing a few vintage patterns I found on Ebay, and using some modern “vintage” style patterns I sorted through, I have found a few patterns that really work well with most fabrics. I started my journey with this fun bee dress, which was a personal project.

Here are a few of my favorite pieces

I eventually want to make more Disney inspired pieces, for those who like to be “bounding” at the parks. Like this:

stay tuned for more! follow my instagram @purple_rampart


Twin Peaks Inspired Bags

“My log has something to tell you…”

I’ve been so busy these past few weeks juggling work, rehearsal  (playing Sarah Brown in Guys & Dolls!), memorizing lines, sewing new projects, finishing old projects, shooting product photos, etc…however, I finally am taking the time to share with you all my latest project release: Twin Peaks inspired Black Lodge Cherry Bags!

One of the things I like to keep in mind when making new products for the shop, is if what I’m making is something I’d actually purchase for myself. This way, I can make one for myself 🙂 …and know that at least 1 person likes what I’m doing – I’m my own worst critic, right?

So if you’re a Twin Peaks fan and you’re reading this…these are for you!

I spotted the cherry print fabric and went goo-goo-eyed over it. It’s just perfect for the lining of the bag, and is a great alternative to just plain red. These bags are the same design pattern from my previous listing: Tiki Tiki Bag. The handles were the most challenging part about this design. I first went with the black wooden ones, and then ended up purchasing some red plastic handles as well. In the future, I’d like to construct a different style bag, same fabric, but with red lucite handles. I’ve got my eye on these specific handles I might just have to splurge on…

If you like these bags, be sure to check out my other Twin Peaks inspired item: Black Lodge Log Pencil Case

I can’t say now, but I do have other things in mind to add to this collection…so stay tuned!






My Etsy Shop

Hey everyone! Yes it’s true, I finally started my own Etsy shop! It’s very minimal as of right now, but it’s slowing growing. I have a few different bowties (shown below), and just recently added the new coin purses. Each item is handmade by yours truly. I am looking into expanding the shop with true vintage items and accessories. Please share with your friends and family, and stay tuned for more to come. Hopefully I will eventually merge my Etsy with this site, so everything is in the same place, but – baby steps. Appreciate all the love and support!



Love this beautiful blue cotton fabric! I had remnants left from a blouse I made, and just had to make them into these little beauties. There are 4 available now!

I am on the hunt for more of this fabric, because it’s just so lovely. Japanese print, with blue and red rabbits on it. Very subtle. It’s all cotton, and I only have 2 of them!

I originally made one of these in a regular bow tie (not pre-tied) version for my boyfriend’s birthday a few years ago. I surprised him with a trip to the Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA. This bowtie was such a fun touch to his suit, and he has worn it so many times for various other occasions. He’s got the only grey version to this blue one shown below.


Coin purses! These are very time consuming to make, but so cute! Each of them have different color beads in the clasp handle, and are made with a thick cotton fabric – usually used in home decor or furnishing. It’s very durable on the outside, with soft linings on the inside!


Thanks for checking out my new shop, and please favorite it if you have an Etsy account, so you can stay up to date with my new products that launch!





Sewing Adventures- The Bowtie


Sewing is one of my many hobbies. I started in high school, where I worked as a costume crew member for the many theatrical productions throughout the school years. I was taught everything I know today, and even dipped into the design aspect of costuming towards my junior and senior year.  That being said, I have a special place in my heart for sewing more dramatic pieces…(especially renaissance attire. I love a good corset!)

I’m starting to get into sewing more clothing for everyday wear…I’m starting off small, so I tried perfecting a  bowtie (not as easy as It sounds to get it just right) design from this amazing fabric I hunted for about two years ago (when I surprised my boyfriend with a trip to the magic castle-hence the rabbits)! The fabric was used for pocket squares, and my 1st attempt at the bowtie. Round two was sure to be a success.

This time I didn’t use any kind of interfacing…some of the patterns you find online call for it, but this fabric was a thick cotton blend, so I decided to leave it out. I also only had enough fabric for one more cut- no space for error! You basically cut the 4 pieces making sure all are on the same directional grain, and sew them right sides together leaving the tail end open for where you connect them later. I used a plastic chopstick to push the fabric right side out. It helps with the corners too!

Obsessed with this thimble…have 5 others in different variations! Thimble’s are always good to have around when hand sewing (which was not necessary for this design), especially through thick fabric…although sometimes I end up not using one and stabbing myself…I never learn my lesson apparently.


My best friend, the seam ripper. This little guy has gotten me out of some big mistakes I’ve made sewing new projects together…it’s the learning process, when you go too far, you have to go a little backwards and rip out a few seams. Definitely a sewing necessity for any level seamster.


Making sure the corners are clipped after you are done sewing the two pieces (right sides facing each other) together is key to have a nice pointed corner when you turn the fabric right-side out. Also, learning how to tie a bowtie takes a minute…so save time for that.


Looking good! Make your own bowtie! I used a simple pattern found on pinterest here.
